2013 was a ridiculously hard year for me; physically, emotionally and mentally. My weight loss journey got pushed aside for the majority of the year. Not only did I have physical limitations but I guess I had some mental ones as well. There were times I wanted to just throw in the towel and give up on my journey (and on so so many days I did). I had surgery in February to remove my kidney, which kinda set me back a bit physically. So many days, with my weight loss, it left me feeling defeated, broken and like a failure. I felt like I not only let myself down but also those people that always told me I had inspired them. I was embarrassed and many days didn’t want to leave the house and have others see me. And honestly, I was angry. I was so angry at myself.
I absolutely refuse to let circumstances defeat me and I will NOT be broken. This girl right here, she’s a strong one. And with God by my side I can do ANYTHING. I am determined, now more than ever, to get this journey rolling again.
One thing I won’t be doing is my monthly weight loss posts anymore, at least not for now. That puts way too much pressure on me for some reason. But once I get this thing going, I’ll be SURE to post again.
So, for now, I would super love if you could pray for me and my journey please. I’m trying to figure out where it all fits in. God spoke to my heart and gave me 3 direct things to do. And I’ll be working on those as He transforms me. God is good, always. And I know, as with everything else, He will gave me the strength to do this.
I love you Amy! I love your direct honesty, your willingness to be open and not hiding the reality of how life sometimes treats you. I have had my own vattles to fight this past year, but I'm with you sister, and I will not be broken, or defeated. Keep up the good work. We can do this with God's help. We are worth it. 🙂
I'm a new reader, and in much the same boat. 41/2 years ago I dropped 57 lbs, and now, 35 of it is back 🙁 I need to let God work thru me instead of trying to do it all by myself. I signed up for Lysa Terkeurst's (Proverbs 31 ministry) Made To Crave bible study that starts Jan. 19, and hope to have some exciting stories to share.