My Grandma was by no means a fancy lady, but she was a class act all the way. She was old school, from the days ladies were classy. She wore a dress every day of her life. And even when she did wear pants, she wore them under a dress. Yeah girls, UNDER her dress. She was never mean or sassy but she wasn’t afraid to tell you her opinion in love. She came from the days where women didn’t announce their pregnancy, didn’t wear black or red and you wore clothing that covered you from the nape of your neck to your knees.
She was the strongest Christian woman I’ve ever met. She was kind, respectful, accepting and full of love. She never complained about life and the many hardships she endured. She taught Good News Club after school in her living room (in the house I live in now) and showed so so many kids the word of the Lord, His love and grace. Thinking about that now makes my eyes spill over with tears. I can’t imagine how many hearts were given to the Lord inside this mere farmhouse. She knew her Bible, inside and out. And when a Jehovah’s Witness would knock on her door, she wouldn’t turn them away like so many others did. She would invite them in, offer them a cup of tea, grab her Bible and discuss it with them for hours on end. Last summer, a group of Jehovah’s Witnesses were walking around town. I saw them well in advance and knew they were coming. I could have easily ignored their knocks, but instead I grabbed my Bible and headed to the porch.
She taught me so many life lessons that I will always carry in my heart. Repeating the 23rd Psalm every day taught me not only repetition and perseverance but also set those words from it deep in my heart. It taught me to put the Lord before anything in my life. The 23rd Psalm is so, so very dear to me today. She taught me to have class, and to teach my daughter to be classy. She taught me that even during hardships, be thankful for the blessings God gives you every day. Every day might not be good, but you can bet there is something good in every day!
I am so thankful for this dear lady and the amazing part she still has every day in my life. Even though she is gone and rejoicing daily in Glory, she will forever live in my heart.
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