About the book:
Reviewers continue to rave about And the Bride Wore White: Seven Secrets To Purity. But the greatest proof of it’s effect is in the lives of tens of thousands of young women who’ve embraced the book’s message. Each chapter of And the Bride Wore White begins with a narrative of Dannah Gresh’s young love life, taken from her own teenage journals. She transparently shares her struggles and successes, her moments of pain followed by healing and the moments of triumph.
This story-line grips the young reader while they learn statistically proven risk-reduction factors. The end result are usable “how-to-say-no” skills that can reduce the risk of a young woman’s heart being broken by sexual sin. In this update, Dannah and her friends share open letters of encouragement to young women, one for those who chose life and another to those who chose abortion, a letter to teen girls addicted to pornography and another to girls who have experienced sexual abuse, and many more specific to a young woman’s unique circumstances.
Over 250,000 copies sold!
When I was growing up, I didn’t have a purity ring. I didn’t have limits set or a plan of action. I had the church simply saying “don’t do it or God will be mad”. I wish I had heard that purity was beautiful. Valuable. Precious. An amazing gift given to us by God to give to our spouse. I wish purity had been a bigger topic among my circle. I wish I had been told that God’s grace is bigger than the choices we make. I wish I had heard that we are all sinners. I wish I had heard more about forgiveness rather than being scoffed at.
Those are the exact reasons I was so over-the-moon excited to read this book! I have a teenage daughter who thankfully does have a plan of action and a purity ring. But I still want to learn and do all I can to help her (and my son).
The book begins with an introduction from the author with a very honest and heartfelt introduction which sets your mind at ease and comforts you that she is not there to judge, but to gently lead & guide. How absolutely comforting to be told right from the start you won’t be judged! The chapters cover everything from Satan’s lies, purity speaks boldly, guidance, the truth about sex, etc. Throughout the book, there are little stories on the sides of the pages written by other teens and young women. The “no judgement” statement rings true throughout the book. It is filled with honest stories of their own personal choices, why they made their choices to remain pure and of some who didn’t and why they regretted their past mistakes. The book truly touches upon everything and is a wonderful inspiring and much needed Christian resource in your home with girls.
The book gives sound Biblical principles on why it’s truly in the best interest of your daughter (and her future husband) to stay pure until marriage. I think it’s a wonderful, heartfelt and honest book that every teen girl would be blessed to read and keep on their personal bookshelf. This book does speak openly about sex, so I wouldn’t recommend it for younger pre-teen girls but more for your 14-15 years and up.
I was given this book by Moody Publishers for the purpose of this review.
I've been hearing a lot about the book! I haven't read it for myself yet because I have some reservations about it being too preachy/judgey and that's just not the type of book I like to read. Maybe I'll check it out more closely the next time I'm at the bookstore!