hello september, goodbye august
hello days spent alone, goodbye summer days spent with my littles
hello fall, goodbye summer
hello jeans + boots, goodbye capri’s + flipflops
hello clean house, goodbye messy house
hello pumpkins, goodbye flowers
hello ladies bible study, goodbye boring Tuesday mornings
hello cool + crisp days, goodbye heat + humidity
hello truck pulls, goodbye swimming
hello crazy running littles every day, goodbye lazy days with nowhere to go
hello new personal goals, goodbye not having self control
hello canning season, goodbye grilling season
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Makes me so excited for fall. Hello football, Hello hoodies and bonfires,Hello new pair of cowgirl boots, Hello fall crafts and decorating, Hello girls day out with some friends I have been distant with over the past few years, Hello new beginnings in my personal relationships and joining our family as one, Hello new walk of life. My goal is to not look back anymore, so no goodbyes for me!