I have a lot to say. I have so many words that I’ve held inside and never spoke. And today, it’s time.
You knew from the beginning that I was someone who would always be there for you. That no matter what your needs were, I would go above and beyond to try my best to meet those needs. I would care for you and make sure that no matter what kind of day you were having, I was going to be your cheerleader. When you’re having a good day, I was there celebrating with you and enjoying the victories that you achieved. When you had bad days, I was there to make sure that you got back up and kept on fighting. I wanted to see you become a productive member of society. I wanted to see you succeed. I wanted to see you achieve every single dream and aspiration that you ever thought of. I wanted you to always choose the high road, no matter how hard that path was. I wanted to show you what the true meaning of family was. I was the one that loved hard, and fell harder.
I want to thank you for not only walking out of my life, but showing me that the love and care I showed you was all for nothing. Once again, that is also okay. All the while that you were doing this to me, I was in turn learning something very valuable about myself. I learned to never give your all to people in hopes that they will do the same for you. Give your all to them and expect nothing in return. The truth of the matter is, people will never have the same heart and love you have in your heart. You can’t love someone into loving you back. I thank you for not only helping me realize that, but making me a stronger person for doing so.
I thank you for the memories made while we had our relationship, and I will always cherish those times. They were amazing. I am grateful and happy to know that you’re off doing well (at least I hope) and that you’re becoming the best person that you can be, and that is something we should all strive to do every single day.
If you’re reading this, I love you. Though our relationship can never return to what it was, I will always wish you well. And I pray you always remember to take the high road, no matter the cost.
Always remember that God brings people into our lives and removes them from our lives for a reason. There is always a lesson behind it and it appears that the lesson was to help you find your inner strength. Sometimes people are just placed in our lives to help us get through a rough time, but once we get the strength to get back on our feet, their job has been done and it is time to move forward. Unfortunately your kids will learn many lessons like this throughout their lives. It is a hard part that we all must deal with. All you can do is love, support, encourage and role model positive ways to deal with life's heartaches. My kids have learned at a young age that its hurtful to have your family torn apart, but so rewarding when someone new came into our lives and restored the love that was missing. Good read!
This was absolutely beautiful to read. I came across it while I was looking at possible letters online from mothers to their children who walked out and left.Your site came up with your letter. Your words are so true, and for me, it brought a sense of peace.
My nineteen year old son left us three weeks ago to be with be a girl and move in with her family. He left with only his shoes, the clothes on his back and a cell phone we were paying for that we had turned off a week ago. He became angry with me for not wanting him to be with this girl as she is into drugs and just came off probation for it, cuts herself, and the list goes on-and-on. It was a mothers worst nightmare in all girls my beautiful son could have chosen to be with. My son did not do drugs, nor did he have any problems that were in any relation as to why he would choose this particular girl. She's his fourth girlfriend in just two years, and by far, not what any parent would want for their child to be with.
The girl and her family are, in our opinion, not good people. There are things we just cannot understand as to why he would do this to his family. The parents of the girl won't speak to us, as they feel our son is an adult and we have no right to anything with him. He may be what the state considers an adult age, but he is far from being an adult. He was just getting started learning how to become one that we believe would have been very successful. We feel he has been brainwashed by a mother/daughter duo team. The mother would write messages to him personally telling him that he needed to leave our home and that we were terrible parents. They have convinced him that we are somehow his enemy.
The parents gave birth to their daughter very late in life. They are over 65 and their daughter just turned eighteen on the 24th of last month. We have our feelings as to why they would want to get our son to move in with them and be with their daughter, but the entire situation is just so strange.
He was on the road to succeed with us. We paid for everything for him, we gave him a car and paid for his insurance, and he was even fixing to start furthering his education. He was looking at different schools. Everything in our world came upside down when he met this one girl online. She's such a very bad influence and no matter how hard I pulled my strings and how much I wanted so much more for him, in the end, this duo team outdid me, and now our son won't even speak to us.
I have two other children as well, so it's been very hard on our family this season. They miss their brother. He really was such a joy, until he met this girl. It's like his light went out. He's lost so much and we are so worried that he won't be able to bounce back from it. We don't know what his end will be, but for my family, we are just torn.
I know we have to let him fly on his own, and as we cannot accept his choices/behavior, we have to leave him alone, but the pain is so very difficult everyday.
Thank you for your loving, kind words in your letter. It touched my heart and for today, I feel more upbeat and optimistic after reading it.I am so thankful that I came across your blog.