For years, I’ve picked a word to be my “one little word” for the year. Instead of overwhelming myself with lots of resolutions, I choose one word to be my driving force for the year.
While I was thinking and praying for my one little word, I spent some time reading Ali Edwards blog {she is the creator of one little word}. Wow, there are some amazing, inspiring words for 2016! Inspire, calm, believe, still, thrive, whole and forward are just a few of the words others have chosen. Wow, are those not some awesome words!
As I was thinking of my word for this year, I kept being drawn to a blog post I wrote a while back I am Tired of the Not Enough’s. I spent some time reading other peoples words and pouring over lists of words. I was still wordless but I couldn’t shake the feeling of being drawn to that post. Over and over again, God kept calling me there. This happens every year. And every year, without a doubt, I find myself saying “Are you sure? I mean maybe I just misunderstood” and then I always pout around, feel slighted and wish I had a “cool kid” word. Then, as every other year, I realize I’m being a selfish spoiled brat.
I’m fairly certain if God gives you a word, that you should take it and embrace it. And with that, I give you my word for 2016.
I’ve claimed this word as my theme for the next 366 days {it’s a leap year y’all}. I’m going to post it where I can see it daily and meditate on it often. This one little word is between God and I. It’s something that I’ve really felt He has been trying to work on in my heart lately.
For years, I’ve struggled with feeling not enough. Pregnancies, age, surgeries and sickness have left my body changed. This body, riddled with scars and weight gain, has been the hardest for me to accept and added to the not enough feeling. Not pretty enough, not thin enough, not good enough, not smart enough and not talented enough. Halfway through 2015, that changed. I was tired of being stuck in the not enough’s, and I refused to live there anymore.
Enough to me means being able to look in the mirror and love the woman I see. A quiet confidence between my mind and my body. It speaks to me of smiling, of happiness radiating from my face, of knowing my worth because of who I belong to and of a sweet humbleness.
I have a journal that I write in daily, and my word of the year makes an appearance often. In my daily “God talk” time, I ask God to show me what He has to teach me about the word in my life, and then I collect quotes, Bible verses, sermon notes, conversation tidbits, impressions, etc. by jotting them down in my journal, one thought to a page.
As we head into the New Year, would you want to join me and consider claiming a word for the year? I’m sure He has a special one just for you. Write the word down, pray about it, journal about it and open your heart for whatever lessons God has in store for you.
Great idea. Though it was challenging to come up with one word (I had to pick 2 y'all) I choose new beginnings and forgiveness.