Hello August, goodbye July {Seriously, where did summer go?}
Hello Birthday, goodbye feeling young {I am not even kidding…yeow was this year a hard one}
Hello school, goodbye days spent with my youngest little
Hello whirlwind weekend of seeing my NY family, and my youngest brother marry his love
Hello whirlwind weekend of seeing my NY family, and my youngest brother marry his love
Hello to my baby being a senior, goodbye having babies {again, where does time go?}
Hello canning season, goodbye bare cupboards
Hello pictures nearly every single day, and editing my life away
Hello to a long, stressful day in the hospital during my Dads surgery {would love y’alls prayers}
Hello to a long, stressful day in the hospital during my Dads surgery {would love y’alls prayers}
Hello end of summer 4wheeler rides with this gorgeous man
Hello resisting the urge to decorate for fall as soon as the kids go to school {that’s a hard one}
Hello to my new coop being done, and having the most amazing hardworking husband!
Hello to my new coop being done, and having the most amazing hardworking husband!
What are YOU saying hello and goodbye to?
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Do not look at turning 40 as being old, my life has never been better than it was in my 40's.I met the love of my life and will say I do very soon. I developed some new and old friendships and realized who my real friends where. I recently celebrated my bridal shower and realized how amazingly blessed I am with the greatest friends and family a girl could ask for. I am doing all of this in my 40's- embrace it, dont let it define you. Age is just a number.