Oh, how fun this prompt was! I always love going back and re-reading past posts I’ve written. Here is a list of my top 10 favorite blog posts ever.
1. Parenting A Child With Anxiety – This post is so very special to me, and so close to my heart. With this blog post, I want to give you a glimpse into parenting a child that has been diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, slight OCD and Dyslexia.
2. Why I’m Not Raising A Feminist Daughter – This explains why we teach submission, headship and living a Christ-centered marriage. While it might not be the worlds opinion, we are following Gods word. That will bring joy, peace, contentment, fulfillment and freedom! And in turn, your life will bring glory to God. Isn’t that what it’s all about?
3. An Open Letter To My Husband On Our 20th Anniversary – Twenty years ago, we became husband and wife. At 22 and 20, we were just a couple of kids so madly in love. We didn’t know a lot back then, but we knew one thing for certain: we belonged together.
4. Saving Your First Kiss – We need to recognize the kiss as an incredible gift that God has given each one of us to fully embrace and enjoy in the right context. Instead of lowering its value and blowing it off as just-a-kiss let’s view it as a precious, sacred gift.
5. Dear Body – Remember when we were little and we were friends? You weren’t good or bad or fat or thin or ugly or beautiful. You were just me.
6. Walking Through Valleys – I am walking in a wilderness right now. A wilderness full of friends walking hand-in-hand, while I walk alone.
7. I’m Tired Of The Not-Enoughs – I had all the right words for her but I was too busy living with not enoughs, I couldn’t model this truth for her.
8. An Open Letter To Those Who Have Walked Out Of My Life – I will always love you. I know that sounds unbelievable for me to say. Especially since you’re the one who chose to walk out of my life. But those words hold true.
9. Piece By Piece – Sometimes a difficult day comes out of nowhere, surprising you with its emotions and frustrations.
10. Kindness Matters – Kindness is honestly one of the greatest gifts you can give someone. As Christians, kindness is something He expects from us.
We got married at 20 and 22 as well! So fun!
We also didn't kiss until we got married, and let me tell you something…it was our only saving grace when it came to physical stuff…it was so tempting to just give in and do what everyone else was doing…but it was a sweet gift we could give each other.