This was a hard one and took quite a bit of thinking on my end. While my first response may have been someone famous where wealth abounds, I always kept coming back to the same person that I admire. Nicci Lynn from A Farmhouse Full.
Nikki is married to her high school sweetheart, and got married young like us. She has eight littles, just having her eighth one. She loves Jesus, she’s a crafter and she lives on a farm. She has many things my heart has dreamed of…a large family with lots of little feet running around the house and living on a farm.
I admire her ability to still look gorgeous daily, having her hair and makeup done, despite having 8 kids in her home. It hurries me to not look a hot mess daily, and I only have two teenagers that basically fend for themselves.
Nikki is full of her love for Jesus, and always points to Him in every post or video she makes. She’s quick to give Him the glory for every aspect of her life. She’s an absolute joy to follow on social media!
You can find Nikki here:
Website –
YouTube –
Instagram –
Eight kids! WOWZA. I think experiencing that for only one day would be enough for me. 😉