Empowering women to love their body, as is, is one of my passions. So many times, we let the wrong factors define our worth. We allow failed relationships, body image, abuse, past choices and health to define us. We allow feelings of being useless, ignored, ugly, overweight, unloved or forgotten to circle around us. Sadly, we repeatedly allow these factors to define us. We allow our feelings to dictate our identity.
In those moments of weakness, where the lies seem to continually circle around, refuse to give in to them. Remember that you are loved, as-is. And retraining your heart to know that is absolutely worth the fight.
Learning to love myself regardless of my size was one of the most crucial turning points.
“I am unwaveringly ME; and the same goes for YOU. No matter what you’re struggling with, embrace what you have to offer, love yourself right this minute and start affecting positive change for yourself and others.”—Whitney
What does Jesus think of us? What does He think our worth is? Well, He thought you and I were worth dying for! And if He thinks that much of us, why would we ever allow others to degrade the life He went through so much to save? He thinks we are worth far more than rubies! {Proverbs 31:10}
Some days, without fail, old insecurities will come knocking on the doors of our hearts. We’re tempted to tell lies about ourselves to ourselves when we’re rejected or knocked down or feeling not quite … enough.
But in those moments of weakness, I refuse to give in to the lies. I will continue to tell myself I am loved, as-is, not as I think I should be.
Retraining my heart will take years. But I know it is worth the fight.
Let me speak directly to your heart. Believe it, sweet girls. Pretty please with cream and sugar on top. Know that what Jesus says about you is genuine – that you a treasure, of great worth, a woman with infinite value. No matter what size you are. No matter what you look like. No matter what anyone says. No matter what you’ve done. No matter your past. No matter how you feel. It’s true!
I love that you used the phrase "retraining your heart." Because that gives such a good picture! We can't just say something to ourselves and believe it…we have to practice it all the time. Just like you wouldn't run a marathon without months (or years) of prior training…we have to work at speaking truth to ourselves! I have found this to be something that I'm having to work hard at now that I have a daughter…I don't want her to hear me say "oh take that picture again I look fat" or "no I can't have that it's too many calories. I want her to, yes, learn to be healthy and care for herself, but to know that her worth doesn't come from her outward appearance…and how is she going to learn that if I'm not modeling it for her?
Thank you writing this post! I think all women and girls need to remember this, including myself. Thanks for sharing.
Yes, definitely, yes!
Yesssss perfect girls aren't real. This is such an important message for our culture and I so wish more believed it as well. Thanks for sharing oxoxox