Today’s prompt: Fall favorites. Share your must-haves for this season.
It’s no secret, Fall is my absolute favorite season. So this topic is incredibly easy for me to write about. Let me be more specific…
Fall Favorites
Leaves changing colors. Pumpkin flavored creamer. Ladies Bible Study. Knitting.
Boots with every outfit. Truck pulls. Cozy Scarves. Pumpkin Candles. Golden light.
Carving Pumpkins. Scary movie marathons. Burlap Wreathes. Crisp air.
Curling up with a book. Friday night football games. Chili.
Bonfires. Dressing in Layers. Halloweentown. Mums. Thanksgiving.
Caramel Apples. Craft shows. Warm soup on a cold day. Hay rides. Pumpkin patch.
The smell. Driving through falling leaves. Trick-or-treating.
Decorations. Boot socks. Thanksgiving. Fall festivals. Apple butter.
Wearing layers. Boot socks. Christmas is around the corner.
Potato soup and bread bowls. Annual family photo shoot.
Decorations. Boot socks. Thanksgiving. Fall festivals. Apple butter.
Wearing layers. Boot socks. Christmas is around the corner.
Potato soup and bread bowls. Annual family photo shoot.
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so many fall things that I enjoy as well!