Today is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday and it’s a day I hate.
I don’t hate it because it’s unbiblical. It’s, in fact, quite the opposite. I don’t hate it because it’s inappropriate. I don’t hate it because the words are unworthy of being spoken.
I hate Sanctity of Human Life Sunday because I’m reminded that we have to say things to one another that human beings honestly shouldn’t have to say. We have to listen to sermons that, otherwise, would never be preached. We have to watch videos and look at images of sweet babies, images that invoke sadness, horror and grief.
I hate Sanctity of Human Life Sunday because I’m reminded that Mothers shouldn’t kill their babies. Fathers shouldn’t abandon their children. No human life is worthless. Regardless of skin color, age, disability or economic status all lives have value. The very fact that these things must be said reminds me of how dark our world is.
I hate Sanctity of Human Life Sunday because I’m reminded that there are babies warmly snuggled in wombs who won’t be there tomorrow. I’m reminded that over 50 million babies will never know the comfort of their Mama’s loving arms. Every 20 seconds, a sweet little loses it’s life.
I hate Sanctity of Human Life Sunday because I’m reminded that there are children who will be slapped, punched, kicked and burned with cigarettes before they lay down to sleep tonight. Little innocent faces that will never wake to the smell of breakfast cooking and will never be rocked to sleep at night to the sound of their Daddy’s voice singing them a sweet song.
I hate Sanctity of Human Life Sunday because I’m reminded that there are elderly people spending their last days in loneliness. I’m reminded that around the world, elderly and disabled people have become targets of euthanasia and assisted suicide, their lives declared a waste.
But I also love Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.
I love thinking about the fact that I know so many amazing hearts that have opened their arms and adopted into their loving family. I love how much my very own life was saved by adoption. I love that I know people who serve and support pregnancy centers for women in crisis. And I love to see women who have aborted babies find their sins forgiven and their consciences cleansed by Him.
My hope is that someday soon Sanctity of Human Life Sunday will be unnecessary. I hope that someday, my grandchildren will not have to hear a sermon against abortion and euthanasia. I pray that the next generation values life much more than the past generations have.
Love it — just wish that people spoke about the death penalty and euthanasia as much as they did abortion and that this day even mentioned those issues. Pro-life womb to the tomb or nothing at all, in my opinion.