Uninvited By Lysa TerKeurst
About the book:
The enemy wants us to feel rejected . . . left out, lonely, and less than. When we allow him to speak lies through our rejection, he pickpockets our purpose. Cripples our courage. Dismantles our dreams. And blinds us to the beauty of Christ’s powerful love.
In Uninvited, Lysa shares her own deeply personal experiences with rejection—from the incredibly painful childhood abandonment by her father to the perceived judgment of the perfectly toned woman one elliptical over.
With biblical depth, gut-honest vulnerability, and refreshing wit, Lysa helps readers: • Release the desire to fall apart or control the actions of others by embracing God-honoring ways to process their hurt. • Know exactly what to pray for the next ten days to steady their soul and restore their confidence. • Overcome the two core fears that feed our insecurities by understanding the secret of belonging. • Stop feeling left out and start believing that “set apart” does not mean “set aside.” • End the cycle of perceived rejection by refusing to turn a small incident into a full blown issue.
There is nothing I love more than feeling as if I’m chatting with a friend over a cup of coffee while reading a book. And this book was just that, from cover to cover.
I think as women, we’ve all felt Uninvited at one point in our lives. God created women to crave deep personal relationships, so our friendships are a huge part of who we are. Chances are, right now you’re either smiling because you’re thinking about your own bestie or you’re feeling sad because you wish you had a bestie. Either way, your heart connects with the idea of friendship.
I remember a time last year where it felt as if I watched friendship after friendship roll across my Facebook feed. Gals going on lunch dates, littles play dates, meeting for coffee, selfies together here and there. And here I was, sitting at home taking selfies with my chickens.
Lysa tackles the emotional issues of rejection and loneliness in Uninvited. Time after time I found myself saying “Yes, oh my goodness, me too!” She emphasizes that there is a reason for this season and it’s not to harm you. Goodness, I should maybe get that tattooed on my arm. Lysa discusses the damaging beliefs we so eagerly embrace and the hurtful ways we deal with those beliefs. She then offers us the truth and promises found in God’s Word.
Every person should read this book. It is such is a healing for the brokenhearted. God’s love for us is so real! When we are in times of need, when we’re lonely and when we’re Uninvited He wants us to run to Him. To crave Him. To find comfort in the love story He wrote for us.
You can purchase your copy by clicking here: Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely.
This book was provided to me free of charge by Book Look in return for my review. This fair and honest review contains my own opinions and do not reflect the views of the author, publisher or any other third-party. I have received no other compensation for this review. This is disclosed in accordance with FTC guidelines.
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