Happy Mothers Day to my Mama Marylee. I love you such crazy amounts. I am so grateful for your faith and your never ending courage. You are an amazing example of not only how I should strive to be as a mother, but how I should strive to be as a daughter. The care you gave grandma for years on end was such beautiful selfless love. I am so thankful I got to witness it. You are such a great example of who I should strive to be as a woman. I thank God every single day for the hand He had in all our lives. I am so glad that God answered your prayers 30ish years ago {give or take a few} for a baby to love. I am truly so blessed that baby was me. THANK YOU!

Happy Mothers Day to my birth-mother Lois. I love you and I thank God every single day for the hand He had in all our lives. I am extra thankful that He allowed me to find you {and my brothers} after all those years. Thank you for having an absolute selfless heart all those years ago, without your choice I wouldn’t be where I am today.
To celebrate these two super special women in my life I’ve written a poem. Love you both!!

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