Friendships are oh so important to us, aren’t they? So what do we do if we feel a friendship is headed down a wrong path? Or if God is nudging us to reevaluate it? Or the answer in the end is to let it go? How do we handle that and know we’re handling it right?
We can get so caught up in a friendship that we don’t realize how toxic it is. A little here, a little there. Before we realize it, we’re in deep. While healthy friendships are blessings, unhealthy friendships can cause toxic, destructive messes in your life. I like to call these drama tornadoes. Drama queens, cynics, manipulators and gossips are just some of the emotionally unhealthy people whose behaviors are toxic to you. If you walk away feeling angry, gossip-ish or just plain yucky after spending time together, you might have a toxic friend.