About the book:
“Where does ‘highly happy’ come from—and can we have some too?!
Have you ever looked at a blissfully married couple and thought, I wish I could know their secret? Now you can. After years of investigative research, Shaunti reveals twelve powerful habits that the happiest marriages have in common.
Best news of all? Anyone can learn the secrets of a highly happy marriage!
In The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages, Shaunti Feldhahn shares her findings about little, very unexpected, often overlooked actions that make a huge difference. You’re about to discover that highly happy couples:
• Go to bed mad
• Keep score (just not in the way you think)
• Boss their feelings around
• Have factual fantasies
• Get in over their heads
• Don’t tell it like it is
• Don’t look to marriage to make them happy…Packed with eye-opening research and practical helps, this book delivers relationship insights that will take your marriage from “just fine” to “just the marriage we’ve always wanted.”
Are you a person who loves advice based on facts? Then this book is for you! This book is based on actual research–not some relationship therapist telling me their views on how to have a better marriage. The book focuses on small changes anyone can make to improve their marriage. The book is really a practical application of years of research the author and her husband conducted on couples who were struggling in their marriages, mostly happy and highly happy. The author reveals 12 secrets she discovered in researching highly happy marriages and explains how spouses can implement them to take their marriage from good to great.