i was truly moved by Brenda’s story, her remarkable faith in every circumstance is an inspiration. she did not once let her circumstances in life crumble her faith. through every trial she had two choices, give up or learn from it and move on. i love how honest she is about her mistakes.
When God Makes Lemonade {book review}
in When God Makes Lemonade, author Don Jacobson has collected stories from the lives of everyday folk. it’s a collection of stories about people just like you who have discovered unexpected sweetness in the midst of sour circumstances. these real-life stories all have one thing in common: hope.
this book was provided to me free of charge by booksneeze.com in return for my honest review.
broken into beautiful {book review}
how thankful i am that God delights in transforming lives. in this book, singer and songwriter gwen smith tells the real-life stories of women with shattered dreams, shameful secrets, damaged souls and the God who makes them beautiful again. her own story is one of heartache and inspiration.
we’ve all been broken at some point in our lives. whether it was by an affair, abortion, widowhood, abuse, and other tragic events, only to discover the joy of being restored by a loving heavenly Father. He takes the mess we’ve made of our lives, forgives us and transforms us into something beautiful
this book will help you to believe His truth and to remember He gives us grace even when we don’t deserve it. we have a beautiful Savior who became broken for us so that all who are broken can be transformed to reflect His beauty.
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