If God told you to move – would you? If God told you to quit your job – would you? If God told you to sell your house – would you?
Yes. The answer is yes. A thousand times. Of course you would. When God speaks, you listen. When God commands, you obey.
Or what’s there to think about?
So God told you to quit your job. Obediently, you begin to look for another job, preferably close to where you live so you won’t have to move. A job that’s paying at least what you’re making now, possibly even a bit more. After all, you have lots of experience under your thumb to glitter up your resume; it shouldn’t be too hard to land a well-paying job.
The surprise comes a bit later when all the interviews you went to seem to have been in vain; you call back and ask them to reconsider, but all the answers are a firm no.
You’re crushed. Confused. Don’t understand. If God told you to quit your job, why can’t you find another one so you can quit your current one? Did you misunderstand? Maybe God told you to do something else… because following God’s will can’t be this hard.
Allow me to clarify your problems for you. The reason things don’t seem to be working out for you is because you aren’t doing what God asked you to do. You may think you’re trying, but the reality is, you’re not. Listen to this:
God told you to quit your job, not to try to find another one. God told you to quit your job, yet here you are, mailing your resume to every known firm in the city. God told you to quit your job, and you’re doing everything else but quitting your job. That’s why things aren’t working for you. Because you aren’t doing what God told you to.
“But, I have to be practical about quitting a job! I can’t quit my job before I have assurance of another income to fall back on because I have a family to feed, I have a mortgage to pay off, I have bills to pay.”
That all sounds very practical and yes, realistic. That’s what a realistic person would say. That’s also what a person with no faith would say.
Faith isn’t practical. Yes, you can put faith into action in practical ways, but that still doesn’t mean that faith is practical. Faith is putting your trust in something you don’t understand. Faith is not just saying you believe in one God, because even the demons believe that. (James 2:19) Faith is taking that step that God wants you to, even though you can’t see what your next step will be.
Faith is selling your home when God tells you to, even though to the human mind it might look like you’ll end up homeless if you do that. Faith is moving across the country to a new life when God tells you to, even though the human mind might perceive that as an act of foolishness.
How far will you go to trust God? How far are you willing to go to obey? Are you willing to jump even when you don’t know what’s at the bottom?
It’s extremely hard. For all you know, there may be a pit of snakes at the bottom, and if you had known that, you’d definitely not have jumped. Not in a million years. That’s just not something a sane human would do – jumping into a pit of snakes.
But if God told you to jump, He has a plan. And it’s there, at rock bottom, where you landed breaking your bones and bruising your body, where He’s forming you into his pot of clay, and preparing you for the wealth, for the perfect health, and for the happy carefree life and unending blessings he has in store for you.
And in the end, you’ll be glad you jumped. You’ll remember how frightening it was, and yet you know that if you hadn’t, you’d still be stuck at your old job. Stuck in your old life you didn’t have the faith to give up, and you’d have coasted through life on mediocre blessings. Yes, God will bless and take care of you even though you didn’t take the leap of faith, because God is good and that’s what He does for his children, but you have no idea what you missed out on. And all that just because you wanted faith, but wanted it practically.
Faith isn’t practical. Faith is putting your trust in something supernatural, something you can’t see nor understand, and clinging to his promises all the way into the pit.
Rock bottom. That’s where God works.
I’m Celina. My husband of three years is a truck driver and I spend my days riding along beside him, watching the beautiful countryside go by. In my spare time (which I have a lot of, obviously) I read and write! My favorite things are coffee, church, and cheesecake.
You can find Celina here:
Blog: https://celinalynnette.wordpress.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celinalynnette