this is the first time i’ve written a blog post specifically for men. it’s kinda strange but i’m actually super excited {and a little nervous} to share Gods marriage design with you as well!
submission can’t be forced, ever. trying to control others (including your wife) is prideful, selfish and sinful. it doesn’t honor God or others. and it certainly won’t make for a very happy marriage. being controlling isn’t loving at all. if your wife isn’t submitting, ask yourself “am i loving my wife as Christ loved the church?”. if the answer is no, then i’d say that is something you need to work on. work on your part and don’t worry about her part. once your heart is in the right place, then the two of you can work on submission together.
a truly Christian marriage will mirror the relationship between Christ and his church. this mirroring will involve both the husband loving his wife as Christ loves the church, and the wife gladly submitting to her husband. the two elements, love and submission, are non-negotiable within the relationship. both elements, love and submission are required for our marriages to reflect the relationship between Christ and the church.
so this week…guys, love on your wife. hug her, kiss her, hold her, listen to her and just spend genuine quality time loving her.