I am so totally happy that it’s almost Friday! That means it’s almost date night. We haven’t had a date night for months and months. I’m so excited for it, I feel like I’m 15. Maybe we’ll have some dinner, go to a movie and have some us time.
Here is a lo I did last night for the pubcalls b-day bash and the jack of the FAB Miss Elsie this week!
Silly girl…..I didn’t know it was a secret ::wink::Tonight I am making 40 Valentine gift bags for the kids. This is really stressing me as tomorrow is the party, ugh! I need to just get it done. I might even take some time off work today to go home and do it.I have received such an awesome amount of donations from scrappers for the class at the shelter. Thank you SO MUCH girls, scrappers really have the biggest hearts!Out for now~kisses