oh, the silent burden and extreme hurt. the knife stabbing pains of a broken heart. at one time or another, we’ve all experienced it. God wants to hold your broken heart in His hands. He can heal your broken heart, but only if you give Him all the pieces. the challenge is first finding all of the pieces. like shards of broken glass, the pieces weave themselves deep into our hearts. and i’m sure Satan is right there, breaking the pieces smaller and hiding them better.
there is a period of time after the initial hurt when the pain literally takes away your ability to breathe. the pain touches a deep, vulnerable place often known only to God. when hurting is the only thing you can feel, it is such a lonely place to be.
so many times when we are going through pain, we are told to get over it, move on and let it go. they don’t understand how slow this hurt heals. the world offers so many ways to numb the pain, but they are only temporary fixes. and if we turn to them, then we aren’t allowing God to heal our hurt. allowing Him to search and heal our hearts is the only true way to have them healed. only He knows the deepness and complexity of our pain.
don’t suffer through your grief alone. don’t be unwilling to be vulnerable with God. and please, even though you are angry, don’t blame God. give Him your heart, hand it over to Him to search and find all those little pieces of hurt and allow His hands to heal it as only He can.
when it feels like all hope is lost, hand that relationship over to God. often times the relationship, once it has endured the storm, will come out of it stronger and new. through all the conversations, all the deepness, you now know each other differently. this is the blessing of true healing from the hands of God.
out for now
ps…while i was writing this blog, i turned on joyce meyer. she had lisa whelchel (from the facts of life) as a special guest. and i bet you will never guess what topic they were talking about? having healthy relationships and allowing God to help you heal after hurt.
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