Here we are, starting a new year. I have to admit, there is a big part of me that thrills over the fresh beginning in front of us and ahead of us is all unwritten. It’s like a fresh blanket of white snow that no footsteps are in yet.
For years, I’ve picked a word to be my “one little word” for the year. Last year I shook it up some and picked a verse of the year. This year, I’m going to be a total trendsetter and do both.
While I was thinking and praying for my one little word, I spent some time reading Ali Edwards blog {she is the creator of one little word}. Wow, there are some amazing, inspiring words for 2014! Still, thrive, whole and forward are just a few of the words others have chosen. Wow, are those not some awesome words!
As I was praying, God kept giving me the same word over and over again. And I would find myself saying “Are you sure? I mean maybe I just misunderstood.” I felt slighted and ripped off that I didn’t one of the “cool kid” words.
Yep, then I realized I was basically being a selfish, spoiled brat.
I’m fairly certain if God gives you a word, that you should take it and embrace it. And with that, I give you my word for 2014.
Pray without ceasing ~1 Thessalonians 5:17
I’ve claimed this word and verse as my theme for the next 365 days. I’m going to post it where I can see it daily, maybe in a few different places, and meditate on it often. This one little word is between God and I. It’s something that I’ve really felt He has been trying to work on in my heart lately. This verse couldn’t be any clearer of what He expects of me.
For years, I’ve felt like a bad pray-er {if that is even a word}. I felt like everyone around me could whip out the most amazing, beautiful, bring-you-to-tears prayer but me, ah, not so much. I really think this year God is going to work on that with me. I have to say, I’m kinda super excited about that!
I have a journal ready and the word and verse are written on the cover. In my daily “God talk” time, I ask God to show me what He has to teach me about the word in my life, and then I collect quotes, Bible verses, sermon notes, conversation tidbits, impressions, etc. by jotting them down in my journal, one thought to a page.
As we head into the New Year, would you want to join me and prayerfully consider claiming a word and verse for the year? I’m sure God has a special one just for you. Write the word and verse down, pray about it, journal about it and open your heart for whatever lessons God has in store for you.
Love this! I originally chose the phrase "Show Love" as my theme for the year, and then I felt the need to spend some time being 'brave'. Last night when I was spending my daily time with God I ended up writing 5 words down in my journal "write, love, pray, explore, brave". I'm not sure why I couldn't zero in on a specific word but I think it means God has big things in store for me this year!
I wasn't planning on choosing a verse for the year either because it seemed like too much…but then I happened to open my Bible to Psalm 1 and couldn't get Psalm 1:1-4 out of my head so I'm embracing that as my verse.