I was going to wait until the day to post this, but after seeing some posts already on Facebook about it feel it may be better served beforehand to educate.
This is a day that I dread, one that makes me cringe. As many of you know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. And October 13 has been deemed national No Bra Day or Free the TaTas.
The thought of seeing bra-less women flaunting two body parts that I have lost to cancer — more than I already see this on a regular day — does not feel all that supportive. In fact, it feels quite the opposite
I don’t understand how on earth could a day where girls and women are encouraged to post and share photos of their braless breasts is to be “supportive” for women who are living with or who have died from breast cancer, or who have managed to ‘complete’ the arduous treatments and disfiguring surgeries required to put them into remission?
And as my Mama said:
It’s as much as them saying “Look, I have them and you don’t.”
This day, which many buy into, is nothing more than sexualizing breast cancer. It’s sexualized by social media users who use the campaign as an excuse to post pictures of themselves topless with no intention of promoting breast cancer awareness or donating to research charities. And that, my friends, is sad. Breast cancer isn’t sexy, it’s devastating.
Ask a real survivor what you can do to promote breast cancer awareness or how you can honor her fight. Their answers would include get a mammogram, run a race, donate to the Susan G. Komen Foundation or simply be there for someone fighting a battle.
Taking your bra off isn’t the answer.