August was hot y’all. It held a dinner with sweet friends. It was filled with lots of canning. School shopping. Spending as much time with my baby girl as I could before she moved out and started cosmetology school. And writing this letter to her. And Torrid opening a local store!!
In September I finally decided to find joy in my journey. Which, I’m sure no coincidence, happened just weeks before I had an appointment that didn’t end as I expected. We moved my blue-haired beauty into her new house and, as expected, cried the entire way home. And I had a sweet weekend away with my love, which my heart really needed.
October held 3 senior sessions, 2 weddings, 1 maternity session and 1 family sessions. And then along came a surgery. Whew, what a busy month! And I wrote about why I hate National No Bra Day. And of course, pumpkin everything!
My November was spent being thankful for oh so many blessings in my life. It also held 6 more sessions. Putting our tree up. Seeing two new doctors. Black Friday shopping. Dinner with friends. Christmas crafting began. And I felt called to step out and begin a series on Intimacy.
December felt magical, with Christmas spirit all around! This was the first year in a long time that once Christmas was over, I still wasn’t done enjoying it and wasn’t in a rush to take down my decorations. But I felt it important to tell others it’s okay if Christmas makes you sad. Making our Christmas cards {one of my fav things!}. We had an amazing, blessed Christmas. I wrote about how powerful our words are. And I wrote about meal planning for beginners.
This January was quiet. It gave me time to rest and gear up for the busy year ahead. And spend some time reflecting on how I treat my body.
Oh February, the month of love. I love that our first date was four days before Valentine’s Day, it makes this month a little extra special for us. I had a sitter session and made some super cute floral bonnets for it. And I had a spinal tap, basically my least favorite thing in the history of all time.
March held a senior session and pregnancy announcement session. Seeing the most amazing doctor. Celebrating my parents Love. And I wrote about living in fear.
In April I had a few days away with my love. Finally getting the diagnosis I’ve been chasing for years. While it was exciting, it also brought a new level of scary along. Medical tests and tests and tests. Easter. I wrote about the hardness of marriage. And I did some canning and wrote about it here, here and here.
May was full of fun! Celebrating Mother’s Day. Prom pictures. Three birthdays. Taking my sweet Mama for surgery.
June held another surgery for me. This year God has really put those most amazing people directly in the path of my medical journey. And while this surgery, and the possibility of future ones, are scary I’ve had such an enormous peace about them! My baby girl graduated from cosmetology school, passed her license exam and started a new job. Lots of exciting things happened in June! Including Joe and I celebrating our 22nd anniversary, and I wrote about why I’m thankful we married young. My sweet Dad turned 82! A week of Bible school, and my two girls teaching their own class! Father’s Day. Graduation parties. Picnics. Lots of fun!
July was the best ever! We got to witness our future daughter-in-law get Baptized. Teaching my first photography class. One birthday. My boy started a new job away from home. A road trip and concert with my loves. It also held the best family vacation ever. EVER. It was epic. It was hot and beautiful and full of love and gave me all the heart eyes. And lotsa lotsa lotsa pictures.