Proverbs 31:23
For the past few weeks, we’ve learned so much about this beautiful woman. Now we come to the point in the passage where we learn more about her husband.
This man is a man of respect, honor and influence. As the Proverbs 31 woman works vigorously at home serving her husband and family, she frees her husband to sit at the city gate in a position of influence. He doesn’t have to spend half his time trying to straighten out problems at home. His wife and good home bring him honor in the community. And his success in the social world comes partly from her support, just as her success comes partly from his support.
Business and legal matters were once settled at the city gate. That is where where the courts of justice were kept, and causes heard and tried by the judges. Cities did not waste money on bureaucracy and expensive buildings. Wise men met at the city’s entrance, where they settled business conflicts, legal issues, and civic questions. They also established contracts and enforced the criminal code. It was a high honor, and it reflected business success and wisdom for a man to sit in the gate. Fools were not allowed there. The judges were the elders of the land, which the husband of the virtuous woman was one. Part of the reason for his reputation is the jewel he married.
This noble woman is every man’s dream. He has landed a wife that most men could only dream of landing! Other men respect her virtue and loyalty to her husband, which can clearly be seen. They know that this woman is a lady in the truest sense of the word. She is an asset to her husband, and not a liability. Her husband is well respected because of the wife’s testimony. Her faithfulness and productivity provide the help that make ordinary men great and great men greater. Others respected him for his blessing and wisdom in marrying such a woman. You know the saying “behind every good man is a good woman.” and that is definitley the case here.
She’s an enabler in the best sense. She enables her husband to be a man of influence outside their home. Her husband to be a man of influence outside their home because of how well she runs their home. Their marriage is a joint partnership, they are both helping each other to fulfill Gods desire for them.
As wives, we can have a huge influence over how the community views our husband. It is so easy to get caught up in our own interests and desires, and easily lose sight of stepping in front of our husbands socially in a community of believers. While the wife can be one who takes charge in certain things (business, tending to her household, etc.) it is the man who should clearly be the head of the household. Even though submission can be hard, especially for this girl, we really need to make it a priority.
Ephesians 5:22-24
So this week, be an asset to your husband and try your best to learn what submission looks like in a Godly marriage. Don’t forget to stop back next friday as we take a look at more virtues of the Proverbs 31 woman.