sunday we had such a great day…we went to church then when we got home we went straight to get the 4-wheelers out…rode on them over to the dam inn for lunch…and then just went on a loooong ride the rest of the day. we went and saw the old train tunnels (which jade loved!), we went and walked around an old cemetary and stopped and had a little break later on. it was totally dusty and i was FILTHY, like seriously disgusting, but i loved every second of it! when we got home we all went for a walk then, which was nice. and in the evening after the kids went to bed i got some scrapping done…is that the PERFECT day or what?!?!
the weather here has been soooooo awesome…it’s been in the 80’s or 90’s since friday! i’m so ready for summer…this winter felt like it was years long, it was a terrible winter! bring on the heat!!!
i should have my “surprise” up here at my little bloggie sometime this evening…if not then first thing tomorrow morning.
i took this pic last night while joey and i were out for our walk/run. we did 3 miles last night and it felt GOOD! i totally want to be able to do a 5k by next summer (2010)!!!
out for now