so this past weekend was sure a fun one…friday night jade and i went to “girls spa night” at my friend amys house. we all spent the entire evening in our jammies and pampering ourselves, such fun!!!
saturday we went and met up with cathy and her husband terry and had lunch together…such fun…i can’t believe i get to see her two weekends in a row!!! saturday evening we went to the talent show at the kids school…i loved it!!! one little girl rocked “hey there delilah” on her electric guitar…i think she was in 3rd grade!!!
and yesterday after church we just hung around the house…i cleaned out my closet (insane mess) and we watched a few movies. good times!
last week i was totally stoked to receive my issue of somerset memories in the mail with my article in it that i wrote about my mini…sooooo excited about that!!! it was beautifully laid out…i still can’t believe it! and i was shocked that there were two other layouts of jade in it!!!
there is a new challenge up today at guttergirlz…go check it out…it rocks!!! here is my take on it~out for now