This man. You guys. Oh….this one, he’s a gift. He’s a gift to me every single day. But I’m so glad that he has so much abundance in him, because it just extends to everyone around him – including all of you. It’s so beautiful to witness that first hand each day.
He turns 44 today!!! So I’m going to continue the tradition and list 44 reasons (in no particular order) WHY I am totally, utterly and completely head over heels in love with him.
1. Watching you grow in your walk with the Lord, I love that so very, very much. It makes this tenderhearted wife teary. I adore your willingness and heart to help walk alongside other Christian men. I can’t even put into words how proud I was to watch you get baptized alongside our sweet babies.
2. You amazingly lead this household. You’ve encouraged Christ entering our marriage, you’ve lead our home and gently guided me. You’ve shown me such grace, which I am so thankful for.
3. You are an amazing father. Watching you love our babies has been a complete joy.
4. You are always, always 100% devoted to your family.
5. You will let a little girl do your hair, makeup and paint your nails…just to make her smile.
6. It doesn’t matter what size I am, you always tell me how beautiful I am. Not only do I totally believe you see me like that, you make me see myself like that too. You have no idea how much that means to me and how much I appreciate it.
7. That big plow truck you drive.
8. How you get totally excited about the same simple country pleasures I do. Whether it’s a hot loaf of homemade bread, a new recipe to can or a late night 4 wheeler ride.
9. I love that you hold my hand while you drive.
10. When I see someone broken down along the road, I automatically know you’re going to stop. I love that you’re so willing to help a stranger.
11. I love your spontaneity and that I can ask you to go anywhere on a complete whim, and you will! And that you’re willing to drive every single time.
12. You always know the absolute perfect time to give me a hug accompanied by “It will all work out babe”. P.S. you give the best hugs ever!
13. Your voice still melts my heart after all these years. It instantly takes me back to that day 21 years ago…when you sing that song, I get tears in my eyes still.
14. Long summer 4-wheeler rides on those warm days. Which also means me sneaking in some snuggle time.
15. Your willingness to send me to a women’s faith retreat just because you know how much I want to go and how much I need it. And you staying home all weekend with the kids. That meant so much to me.
16. I’m fairly sure you’re just as chicken obsessed as I am!
17. Your passion for all types of music and how you’ve made it such a big part of our lives (and now our children’s lives).
18. Your selfless heart.
19. The silly, crazy songs you can make up on a moment’s notice. Even though they are about me sometimes (it’s ok…I act mad but secretly laugh inside).
20. Your love for Big Brother.
21. Those shoulders, yeah, I still love them super huge amounts.
22. I’m thankful for how good you are at geography. You know if it was up to me, we wouldn’t make it too far out of town.
23. You willingness to humor me and let me take pics of you even though you hate having your picture taken. Although I don’t think you hate it quite as much as you say.
24. You explain football calls to me {and basically every other aspect of the game}. Even though you know perfectly well that I will interrupt the next game asking the same annoying questions.
25. Your constant, never-ending support of me.
26. Still having a smokin’ hot marriage after nearly 21 years.
27. You’re always so quick to apologize to me even though you know I’m not so quick (or good) at it.
28. Your love of trucks equals mine.
29. Your obsession with the news, politics and gun rights. You always know what is going on, which is good because I never do.
30. How easy it is for you to make me or others around us laugh.
31. You love self expression just as much as I do. I kinda love our long conversations about tattoo ideas.
32. You thinks it’s hilarious to chase me around the house or up the stairs, with me screaming, after we watch a scary movie. You laugh every single time. And, without fail, I will scream even though I know it’s you. And if I pee my pants you laugh even harder.
33. Even when your skin is melting off you still let me cuddle all night long. I don’t know what I would do without my “furnace”.
34. How you always know the right words to make me feel better instantly.
35. Our weekends away together. I sure do love reconnecting with you.
36. All the little funny memories we’ve made together.
37. Peaking around the corner and seeing you doing a crazy dance with the kids. Yeah, I saw it, many times. And every time it makes me smile.
38. After I had Jade, you told me “Thank you for giving me a perfect little girl” and kissed me on the forehead. I will never forget that moment.
39. You’re a little bit rock-n-roll to my little bit country.
40. Your daily “uniform”…T shirt, jeans and work boots.
41. I love that if I say “Let’s pay for their dinner”, even though they’re a stranger you will pay for it without even questioning me.
42. With all my sicknesses, operations and hospital stays over the last few years you’ve never once hesitated to jump in and take over everything yourself. Never once complaining of the extra workload on you, on top of your full-time job. You were such an amazing blessing!
43. Your love and compassion for animals. And the fact that you don’t get mad when I tell you I may be hatching us out a few more chicks.
44. Simply because you are just you. The man I feel in love with 21 years ago. The man I still love madly, more and more everyday.
Happy Birthday sweet boy! I love you! Sharing my life with you is one of the greatest gifts of my life.