just for you bec…
your bestie
Faith, Love & Truth
oh yes it’s a happy day….lots of fun, happy things to share today!
first…i received an email from somerset memories yesterday. they are publishing my samson mini i made a few months back…and they asked me to write an article to go along with it! holy crap, huh? yeah, totally stoked about that!
second…i made the catwalk over at sis again this week! this totally made my day! it’s an awesome feeling when someone you admire and just adore their work picks YOUR work for the catwalk…i am such a fan of amber ulmer and rhi!!!!!!
this video is THE funniest…EVAH…the end
also…there is a slight chance i might be addicted to facebook…i can’t get off it! i love it for so many different reasons…just lovethis thursday i will be heading back out to work in the creepy warehouse a bit…which i am NOT going to complain about, i kinda miss it. what i really miss is being alone and doing whatEV…and not having to answer to ANYONE about it. oh yes, i’m ready to have a few more days peace at the warehouse-o-creepy!out for now~kisses
and the countdown is on…everyday i have to tell the kids how many more days until christmas. i imagine once we get down to the last week before christmas their excitement will just be uncontrolable.
miss jade has been growing her bangs out for what has felt like FOREVER…and i’m not going to lie, they were on my nerves quite a bit. BUT, as she told me everytime i said they were on my nerves, it’s her hair. i figured eventually it would have to get better…so i let it go. two weeks ago she told me she was ready to get it cut…she wanted her hair all cut the same length as her bangs. and oh my GOSH is it cute! so stinkin’ cute…i love it. so i guess i have to say…she was right!this little sweet pup really loves his mama so much…the blue blanket you see him laying on, my family has named that blanket “blue”…and at times we all fight over it (although mama usually wins)…and this little pup just LOVES blue! if he sees me getting it out he will wait so patiently until i get settled then he is right there…on my lap…ready for his nap. so sweet…
random things that make me happy today~
* label tulip stamps coming this week*
* leftover lasagna for dinner*
* decorating the kids bedrooms for christmas tonight*
* hanging out cinnamon ornaments on the tree tonight*
* ordering new glasses today*
out for now