how about a little layout lovins today…this is for the new challenge up at dreamgirls. go check it out and check out the new dt members~
this new song out by joey and rory SO has my heart….seriously read these lyrics, how perfect are they? i’ve bolded my fav parts of the song…the parts i sing super loud just because i can…if i was in this girls place and my man cheated on me, this is exactly what i would write…LOVES it!
Cheater cheater where’d you meet her down at ernies bar?
Did she smile your way twirl her hair and say, how cute dimples are?
Did she use that line ‘your place or mine’ while you danced with her real slow?
tell me cheater cheater where’d you meet that no good white trash ho
Liar liar did you buy her whiskey all night long?
Did you hide your ring in the pocket of your jeans or did you just keep it on
When the deed was done an you had your fun did you think i wouldn’t know?
tell me cheater cheater where’d you meet that no good white trash ho
Now I’m not one to judge someone that I ain’t never met
But to lay your hands on a married man’s bout as low as a gal can get
Hey I wish her well as she rots in hell and you can tell her I said so
Cheater cheater where’d you meet that no good white trash ho
i made some more christmas presents last night, i am so SO loving making so many of the presents this year. makes me feel all warm and martha stewart-ie. i would share what i’m making BUT bec is going to be getting some of the yummyness and she reads here. i will be sure to take pics and post after the holidays!
out for now