Faith, Love & Truth
and this is the other side of the road where the little houses were. as you can see it has grown up quite a bit. this is the house of the old lady who lived in a shoe. i was so excited, while jen was taking the picture i ran ahead and around the back. oh.my.gosh…there was a door that i could go in…i have waited my whole entire life to go in one of these houses!!!!!
i walk in the shoe and…what the heck…this is the first thing i see. someone was smokin’ it up inside the old ladys shoe. is there just something not right with that? i’m sure THEY thought it was totally funny. i, on the other hand, was totally let down. i guess in my mind when i walked in it there would be something magical, like the old lady in a rocking chair with kids all around. hey give me a break guys, i’ve been waiting since i was like 5 to go in one of these houses…lol. nope, nothing magical, just this……
out for now ya’all~kisses