oh lots of redneck pride at the pullsaaahhh…bliss…so love it
i’m thinking i’m going to take my camera back again this year to get some new pics…maybe some to scrap…papa alan is coming down this weekend so the kids are crazy excited. he is going to the truck pulls with us. then saturday evening he will take the kids out…they usually do the movies and out to dinner. which means i get to have another date night with my babe. how about some mid-week layout lovins….this one is for the current prompt over at guttergirlz…the girlz really rocked it out…it’s a great prompt, go check it HERE
this is for the current prompt at the art is found (taif)…love it!
this is for the current prompt at dreamgirls…such an awesome prompt!!! go check it HERE
this week i was so excited to have sunday with basically nothing to do except joey had a football game sunday evening. but as we all know, if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. joey and jade were wrestling as soon as we got up and “something” happened and joey was crying. some sorts of he pinched her butt which made her mad..blah blah. anyways a trip to the er followed…he had hurt his ankle. the er told me he just had a sprain. but tuesday the hospital called and yes indeed, his ankle was broken. so yesterday i had to take him to the dr for a cast or so i thought. but the “dr” we saw was a total ass, and i do mean that. he said he also thought there was a fracture but since the foot wasn’t as sore in that spot then it must not be broken. the school year so far has proved to be quite a time and i am at my wits end. i’m sure at some point in the future i will have a huge post about this but for now i’m just going to ask for prayers for jade. and maybe prayers for me to make the right decisions for her. out for now ya’all~kisses