these first cards were made with the royal wing stamp set….LOVE it! doesn’t it just make you think of love? i can’t wait to work with this stamp set more. check this set out here!!!
this card was made with the fresh fruit stamp set. such a perfect, playful set! check it out here!!! it’s on sale this month so don’t miss this awesome the holidays are fast approaching and i have FINALLY, just today, finished my shopping. i still have one tiny project to finish and then it will all be done, woot woot! i have a few more things to wrap then it is allllllllll done. tomorrow joe’s mom is coming up to do our Christmas early and i’m cooking lasagna for everyone (papa alan is here and it is his FAV). i do have to take papa to do his shopping tomorrow somehow in between cooking and cleaning, was date day and it was GREAT! love spending quality time with this man and reconnecting with him. we basically just shopped but it’s still great time. we ate at this awesome pizzeria and laughed harder than i have in along time. he is one person who can make me laugh so hard i almost shoot pop out my nose. tomorrow night papa is taking the kids out to dinner and to the movies so joe and i will have an evening to ourselves, woo hoo! maybe watch a little movie, snuggle on the couch and just hang out and have us time. i can’t get enough time with this man.well it’s 12:30 and my butt is whooped. i’m really tired and afraid i’m typing stuff that makes no sense, lol.out for now~kisses