lookie lookie

Faith, Love & Truth
saturday night jade was determined to go through a haunted house with her dad. she was soooo excited to go. well, they went…half way through jade told the guide she was pretty sure she was going to vomit so they were escorted out. bless her heart, she felt so bad. but at least she tried.and my baby boy…my little sweetie…has officially grown up. this week he has a full social schedule that does NOT involve mama 🙁 so sad…wednesday night he is trick or treating with his friends…that also makes me sad. it was always something we did together as a fam. friday night he has a bonfire at a girls house (total eye roll on this one) and saturday night is roller skating with the football team. wow, all this at 10 years old.this weekend is joe and i’s getaway to wellsboro and i can’t WAIT! papa is coming down from new york to watch the kids all weekend. we will probably leave friday around 3:30 and come home sunday morning sometime. i can’t wait to reconnect with him. and ya’all know i’m going to take tons of pics!well…it’s official…i got a promotion and will now be moving to another office in the next two weeks or so. i’m excited, happy and sooooo sad to leave the awesome people i work with back in this office (minus a few). but change is good right?out for now~kisses