over the past year, God has given me a renewed hunger for Him and His will. a part of that for me is in serving Him through the roles He has given me, particularly that of a wife and mother. i have such a huge desire to be that proverbs 31 woman. i want to serve and respect my husband with a gentle and loving spirit.
during the month of september one of my fav bloggers, jennifer from unveiledwife, is participating in revive your marriage 2012 series. every monday you can read the bloggers take on that weeks challenge and either participate or not, your call. i never want to pass up an opportunity to revive my marriage so i’ll be participating (and blogging) every week 🙂
this weeks challenge is to revive your prayers for your husband. this is something fairly new to me. i’ve always prayed, i’ve just not always been the “best” at it. refer back to THIS post. so really, the thought of praying for my husband and for his every day needs never really crossed my mind until over this past year. when i started following unveiled wife on facebook it really kicked up my desire to pray for my husband. and THEN i found a facebook page called “31 days of prayer for your husband”. when i found that page God was pretty loud and clear. He’s finding little things along the way, like that page, to teach me how i should pray.
so here i am, accepting this weeks challenge. and every time my wedding ring catches my eye, i’m going to take a minute and say a prayer for my love.
i would absolutely LOVE to hear how God has moved through prayer in your marriage!
out for now
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